Micah williams

Software Engineer



I’m currently a student at the Urban Assembly Gateway School for Technology as a junior with a strong passion for technology. Ever since I was little, I’ve always been fascinated by video games... preferably the iconic character Mario. From that point on, I knew the technology industry was where I wanted to be. In 4th grade, I stepped out my comfort zone and made a choice I would’ve never thought I would make at the time. I had enrolled myself into coding classes whilst not knowing a single thing. 7 years later, here I am pursuing my dream of becoming a Software Engineer all while developing soft and hard skills.


Software Engineer Intern

Sep 2023 - Present, Code Nation [GrubHub]

Software Engineer Intern

Jul 2022 - Aug 2022, All Star Code


Software Engineering, AP Comp Sci

Sep 2021 - Present, Urban Assembly Gateway School for Technology

★ Projects ★

We all know the infamous Pac-man! An inspired project on the worldwide game.

Well, it’s in the title! In this app, I help recommend jobs based on your age and field of interest!

A class extra credit project I decided to create on my own time! A sequence of colorful snowflakes forming off of one another.

Restaurant Project:

Click here for the project!

A web design project based on a fictional Mexican restaurant!

Micah Williams

Let’s connect!


